I hope this finds you well and happy and still enjoying your flute playing in these very strange times. I think we all thought life would be back to normal by now, but it looks like we have a bit of a way to go yet.
I've come up with a couple of things that might keep us all busy and happy. One is a new Flutewise Challenge and the other is to do with music reviews.
Flutewise Challenges.
Over the summer lots of us had great fun with the Flutewise Challenges. Toady I've just added a new one. You need to registerif you want to take part and then I'll send you the link to see all of the challenges. You can do any of them that you like to look of and once you've sent in your first video you will win a place on our Flutewise Party that I will arrange once life is back to normal.
Flutewise Reviews
We've also got a new section on the website dedicated to reviews of new flute music. There are some fantastic videos ready for you to see and you can also apply to become a Flutewise Music Reviewer. Please have a look at the videos, some of our Flutewise members have worked really hard and a special mention should go to Emme Hensel who composed the jingles. Emme is only 11 and her work is all very impressive.
I'd love to hear from you to know what you are up to or if you've got any ideas about Flutewise.
Enjoy half term.
Happy flute playing,