Flutewise Newsletter September

Hi everyone

It’s great to see some life returning to some sort of normality but we do live in strange times. It seems playing the flute or singing in groups is still not something we can do safely. I know, this is so sad, but it’s all to do with lack of research findings on how badly the virus is spread from aerosols when we breathe out. I think most people understand about it being spread by droplets when people sneeze or cough and we’ve all learnt the importance of washing hands, wearing masks and keeping a distance from people. But we are still waiting for guidance over aerosol dispersal.

You might have seen ‘flute playing masks’ of various sorts on social media and even bags that cover your whole flute and hands. If it is found we can catch Covid 19 from aerosol dispersal I would suggest these are a really bad idea as they give a false sense of security. We all really must stay safe and look forward to when we can meet and play our flutes again together. As soon as I know it is safe to do so I will start organising events. I do miss them!

All of the people involved have all thoroughly enjoyed our weekly Flutewise Party Challenges. As so many people are going back to school now I thought we’d stop these for the minute and have another challenge over October half term. It will probably be an ensemble piece with parts for all standards. I’ll send out details nearer the time and I hope everyone wants to join in. If you want to you are welcome to do any of the past challenges at anytime. You just need to register and I’ll send you details.

Enjoy the start of the new term and whatever you do, stay safe.

Happy flute playing
