Flutewise Live! at the Seaside

Sadly this was cancelled due to the rise in cover cases in the area.

Would any Flutewise families like to join us for a very exciting Flutewise Live! Event? It’s the first live event since 2019 and I am sure we will all enjoy it.

It is a socially distanced event which will only happen if the weather is suitable.

When - Sunday 18 July from 11.00 a.m until late

Where - 11.00 am we will start at Cotts & Linz Ice Cream Cafe, Ferry Road, Shoreham by Sea for an ‘ice cream breakfast’

12.00 Then we will go onto Shoreham Beach and play some music (the ensemble pieces we have been playing at our Flutewise Club online events. The beach is a very short walk from the Ice Cream Cafe.

1.00 pmAfter we’ve played families are free to explore Shoreham by Sea (it’s interesting with some lovely house boats and plenty of places for lunch)

3.00 pm We will meet at Cole’s FunFair on Victoria Park, Victoria Road, Portslade, Brighton. This is a 10-15 minute drive from Shoreham. We will play again at the Fun Fair, then explore the rides if people want to.

After this families might like to go onto Brighton as there is so much to see in the city. It is a 10-15 minute drive from Portslade.

If the weather is bad there is the possibility of changing the date to Thursday 22 July or Friday 23 July.

If you would like to come please complete the form below. It is open to any flute player and their families and friends. There is no charge for the event but everyone needs to pay for their own ice-cream/lunch/fair ground rides etc. Flutewise will not be taking responsibility for individuals during the day, all youngsters are expected to be escorted by parents or a suitable adult.

Any questions please phone Liz on 01273 702367

Maybe if you can’t travel to this event you can create your own near where you live!