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Flutewise Let's Play Together online information meetings

It is time to get busy with Flutewise activities again. Can you believe Flutewise will be 35 years old this year and to help us celebrate we have a new excellent book about to be published called Flutewise: Let’s Play Together! 

This is an extremely versatile book with lots of music in 3 parts with backing tracks, creative music making ideas and some fantastic musical games. They have all been well tried and tested at Flutewise events. I think it is fair to say this is one of the most exciting publications I’ve ever produced for Flutewise and enormous thanks go to Jerry Randalls and Abbie Burrows for making it happen.

Flutewise will be organising some events (the first one is on 13 May with a Fun Fair!) but it would be wonderful if people would request events in their area and help to organise them or even organise their own events completely. 

If you are a flute player (young or adult), a parent of a flute player or a flute teacher you are welcome to join me for a short Zoom meeting to find out more. These meetings will be on:

Saturday 22 April  at 10.30 am

Tuesday 25 April at 4.30 pm

Friday 28 April at 6.00 pm

The online events are free and open to anyone interested to attend, you just need to reserve a place and I’ll send you the appropriate link as well as a piece of music from the book that anyone who would like to join in can play to close the meeting. 

Hope to see you at one of them.

Happy flute playing
