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Flutewise Club - with Joss Campbell!

We had a great online event with Abbie Burrow last Saturday. It was our Flutewise Springerval event and we were joined by some of our flute playing friends from the Jersey Academy of Music and we even had a friend join us from Croatia. When life is more back to normal we are hoping to be able to offer a Flutewise event over on Jersey. Croatia is still a possibility in August but we’ll have to see how it all goes with travel.

In the meantime we have our Flutewise Club Online events. They are free to Flutewise members and only last for 30 minutes. I’ve scheduled them for Tuesdays and Saturdays approximately fortnightly. For the Saturday ones we will be playing an ensemble piece with a backing track and then we can enjoy solos from anyone who would like to offer to play. It’s a great opportunity to perform as we have so few opportunities at the moment. Of course just coming along to listen is very important as all performers need an audience and you can learn so much from listening. On Tuesday sessions we will also have an ensemble piece and we will also have a flute playing topic the explore. I’m really thrilled and excited about our Flutewise Club on Tuesday 16 March as we will have a very special guest, flute teacher extraordinaire, Joss Campbell, who will tell us all about her brilliant series of news books, Flute Warm Ups. You really can’t afford to miss this one. Book a place soon.

Not sure if you are a Flutewise member? Flutewise membership is free to anyone who has taken part in a Flutewise event either live or online. If you are new to Flutewise it only costs £10 to join.