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Carla and Canine Partners

Carla in 1999, Sir James Galway’s 60th birthday event with Flutewise

A little while ago some of my students were talking about performing and trying to raise money for charity. I thought it was a great idea to give them performance experience and to help a good cause. They originally said they’d like to support an animal charity. I’m an animal lover but I do know that on the whole animal charities are extremely well supported. I thought about it for awhile and came up with the idea of supporting Canine Partners. Canine Partners provide trained dogs to help people who are disabled to carry out everyday tasks. It makes a huge difference to people who need help and the dogs are very happy and well cared for.

I was astounded to discover that one of our original Flutewise members, Carla, pictured above is on the waiting list for one of their dogs! Carla loves music and playing her flute and was often involved in our events in the early days. The photo above was taken at a Flutewise event we held in London over 20 years ago to celebrate the 60th birthday of Sir James Galway. That might seem a long time ago to you, but we remember it as if it happened yesterday. Carla’s flute playing has declined over the years and although she still loves it, she can play little these days. Having a dog would transform her life as he/she would help with things like picking up objects Carla might drop, loading the washing machine, answering the door and helping with shopping. It would also mean Carla would get out and about and meet more people.

We played at The Old Barn Garden Centre in Horsham a few weeks ago and raised £90. On Sunday 29th September we are going back again to perform at 11.00 and 1.00 pm. Will you be able to join us, either to play on make a donation? We really need to get our fellow flute player her dog.