Would you like to be a Flutewise Music Reviewer?
If you would like to be a Flutewise Music Reviewer you will need to have either the support of your flute teacher or a musical parent (they will be your ‘musical review partner’) and have permission from your parent/guardian to have your videos posted on the Flutewise website, YouTube and social media (if you are under 18).
You need to complete the form below and submit it. The you will be put on the review list to receive suitable music which will be sent in the post to you. Once you’ve received a piece you need to record a short video about what you think of the music with you playing a short part of it. You will be sent further information with suggestions about what to look for and include once you have registered. The video needs to be sent to Flutewise within 2 weeks of receiving the music.
This scheme is currently only open to flute players who live in the UK. Players of all standards and ages are welcome to apply, but there is no guarantee of the being sent music, it all depends what is available from the publishers. Flute players over 18 will still need a ‘musical review partner’ eg a piano playing friend.
If you are interested please complete the form below.