Please note change of date
Flute: Ana Pucihar
Piano: Blaz Pucihar
Host: Liz Goodwin
This is an exciting Flutewise Inspire session, not only a flute player but a pianist and composer! Many of you will have played some of Blaz’s wonderful compositions and if you haven’t, you really should. Come to this session and discover so much.
Flutewise Inspire are new Flutewise Club online events for 2022. They also only 30 minutes and are designed to inspire educate and entertain you and help you be a more successful and happier flute player.
These short online are open to everyone who loves playing the flute and are free to attend but you must be a Flutewise member (£10 per year to join). Whether you are just starting out playing the flute or you are a really accomplished player, you will gain a great deal from being involved.
During each session we will see and hear inspirational stories from famous flute players from all over the world. There will be a worksheet available after each session which will include examples of the music we’ve heard and links so you can listen and explore the ideas raised in your own time. We will also play an ensemble piece (everyone on mute) to a backing track.
Book early so you can receive the ensemble piece. Booking form below photo
Flutewise reserves the right to change dates, time, venue, artists appearing at any Flutewise event. Flutewise needs to ask for certain information before accepting people on our courses and events – we never pass this information onto anyone else without your permission. Photographs and video images taken at Flutewise events may be published in our magazine and/or website and associate publications. By submitting this form you are giving consent for these images to be used.