Playing with the next generation

Playing with the next generation

The original Flutewise Apprentices

The original Flutewise Apprentices

Would you like to become a Flutewise Apprentice?

If you are a keen flute player over the age of 16 and are thinking about, or maybe you are already in, a career in flute teaching and or performing, then this could be perfect for you and something unique to add to your CV. The training covers child safe-guarding issues, teaching the very first lessons, workshop planning and leading. You will also need to have a DBS check if you don't already have one (we can arrange this through Flutewise). After training you will be able to be involved in as many Flutewise events as you are interested in. 

Happy to learn the fife :)

Happy to learn the fife :)

A workshop just for Apprentices about teaching skills

A workshop just for Apprentices about teaching skills

Next Training

Our next training will be either on our residential course in 2024 or by arrangement through our Flutewise Let’s Play Together events which will take place throughout the UK in 2023/2024 If you are interested please complete the form below and Liz will be in touch with you.